Baked Kahlua Pineapple “Flutter”
I have always been a huge Kahlua fan. It’s sweet (enough said), and has really never done me wrong like most other alcohols have been know to do over the years (other than that time in Vegas. Oh, sweet liqueur, you really messed me up that weekend. And yet I came crawling back for more of your coffee-rummy goodness).
But really- Kahlua is an old friend that I’ll never tire of. Upon recently branching out at the recommendation of The Husband, I deviated from my usual Brown Cow (Kahlua simply mixed with almond or regular milk) and made a bastardized version of the Flutter. The Flutter calls for tequila, and because of a painful memory involving Mexico, tequila and vomit when I was 19, I skipped the offending booze and kept the essence of the drink in tact. Mixing equal parts pineapple juice and club soda with a healthy pour of Kahlua… I fell in love all over again. The next day The Husband suggested a version with coconut juice thrown in as well- equally spectacular. (A true bartender would add a lemon wedge, but I am a baker, not a barkeep.)
So the inspiration was born to dessertize the drink– and it wasn’t hard. In fact, it was colossally easy. And I think it’s pretty awesome. You can serve it over ice cream, alongside a nice plain piece of pound cake or angel food cake, or just eat it on its own as a light(ish) dessert.
I will always be loyal to this beverage… especially on what is technically National Kahlua Day (February 27th). National Tequila Day (July 24th)- not so much.
1 small pineapple, cored and cut into rings or chunks (or 1 large can of pineapple rings or chunks)
1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon packed light brown sugar (5 Tbsp. total)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 1/2 tablespoons salted butter
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons Kahlua (or Starbucks coffee liqueur, or other brand of your choice) (6 Tbsp. total)
1/4 cup lightly toasted coconut (optional)
Core and cut pineapple into bite-sized chunks or rings not thicker than 1/2 inch. (If using canned pineapple, drain juice first.)
- In a large non-stick skillet, melt brown sugar, butter and cinnamon over medium heat. Add pineapples in a single layer, and pour Kahlua over top of all ingredients.
- Cover and cook over medium heat for 10 – 15 minutes (turning pineapples halfway through with tongs, cooking until pineapple is tender) and remove pineapple from pan. Finish reducing the sauce by bringing the liquid to a gentle boil until slightly thickened. Pour over pineapples and serve while still warm, with coconut sprinkled overtop (if using).
Tips: - Save the pineapple juice! If using pineapples from a can, don’t throw the juice out… make the Flutter drink referred to above (with Kahlua and club soda). Sip while waiting for your pineapples to bake into a caramelized stupor.
- Prefer to skip the liqueur? No problemo. Add a bit of pineapple juice, or a touch more butter, and you’re golden.
- When reducing the sauce after removing the pineapples, be careful not to reduce too much (the sauce will thicken slightly as it cools down, and you want it viscous enough to pour over your pineapples).
- Presentation thoughts: Keep it simple~ put a few pineapple slices in a small bowl, and pour a bit of the Kahlua glaze on top. You could definitely serve the dessert over ice cream~ ideally a nice vanilla. Or how about Haagen-Dazs’s coffee flavored ice cream? (Oh wow- I think that’s a really good idea, if I do say so myself.) You could make a trifle~ layer cubed angel food cake or pound cake in a trifle bowl (or individual parfait cups) with the pineapples and whipped cream. Or… make a Flutter Shake~ mix equal parts vanilla (or coffee) ice cream with the pineapple dessert in a blender (adding extra Kahlua for fun), and sip away. Don’t forget to garnish your glass with a pineapple wedge :).
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Do you have any recipes that actually feature Mexico, tequila and vomit?
I would be interested, if you did.
I love you!
Thank you for your interest in such a unique recipe- I will get to the test kitchen and see what I can come up with (get it? see how funny that was?). I might love you as well.