Banana Coconut Muffaroons
I was in an elevator on my way up to a really important work meeting last week when the idea for this recipe jolted me. I thought that maybe the elevator cable had been cut, but it was just the impact of divine inspiration: you need to stuff chocolate macaroons into banana muffins.
Fantasizing about Ways to Use The
RottingRipening Bananas on the Counter is a fun game for me, and as the bananas were about ready to ooze out of their black-spotted peels, I needed a supernatural force to speak to me- and supernaturally fast. (What actually did speak to me was a weird man on the elevator who said “I like your shoes”. Because I’m unfailingly nice [a quality that will probably get me murdered one day] I smiled and said “thank you”. He then said “are they comfortable?” and it was then that I knew I was sharing confined quarters with either an escaped felon, a parolee, or at the very least a foot-fetishist [which was the unlikeliest scenario because who likes size 11 feet, other than Sideshow Bob?].)Anyways, the good news is that I made it out alive. The great news is that I had my Muffaroon* inspiration before the foot freak spoke to me (or pulled out a chloroform-doused cloth). (It’s also good news that he didn’t noticed my bunion, because I’m a bit self-conscious about it.) The bad news is that I was totally distracted for my meeting- all because I wanted to bolt home and preheat the oven**. Even if it meant risking another fetish-filled elevator ride.***
Adapted from my Banana Nut Bread and Coconut Macaroon recipes…
3/4 cup pecans, chopped and lightly toasted
3 oz. semi-sweet chocolate, chopped into small bits, melted and cooled to room temperature
1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 14-oz. package of Angel Flake coconut (or sweetened shredded)
2 1/2 cups all-purpose, unbleached flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
3/4 cups unsalted butter, softened
1 1/2 cups light brown sugar (packed)
2 large eggs
3 cups bananas (very ripe, mashed, about 7 medium)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 325°. Place pecans on a baking sheet and toast lightly in oven while it preheats (take out after 10 – 12 minutes, or when you can start to smell them). Cool nuts while you work.
- Melt chocolate in microwave in 20-second increments, stirring regularly until melted and smooth. Allow to cool slightly.
- In a large bowl, stir all ingredients together (including cooled nuts and chocolate) until well combined. Set aside.
- Grease 24 muffin cups.
- In a medium bowl: combine flour, baking soda and salt.
- In a large bowl: cream butter and sugar with an electric mixer. Add eggs, bananas and vanilla, beating at medium speed until thick. Scrape sides of bowl.
- Add flour mixture, and stir on low speed until just combined… be careful not to overmix.
- Scoop muffin cups 1/3 full with banana muffin batter. Scoop a tablespoon of macaroon batter over bottom layer, then scoop muffin batter over top… be careful not to fill cups much past 3/4 full.
- Sprinkling a bit of macaroon batter on top of the muffins, and bake for 25 – 30 minutes (until cake tester comes out clean). Cool in pans on wire rack for 10 minutes, then remove to cool to room temperature.
Tips: - *Muffaroon: credit to The Husband for naming this recipe. He said “what are you going to call these- muffaroons?”. There could be no better name. He then said something stupid like macaffins and I advised him to end on a high note with muffaroons.
- **Our Evil Oven. Halfway through the baking time I peeked into the oven to smell the magic, and realized the temperature had inexplicably dipped to 300º. But of course. Fortunately I recovered by increasing the temperature and NOT having the oven turn off in protest like it usually does when I adjust it.
- Chocolate Sweetened Condensed Milk- OMG: Eagle Brand came out with this limited edition… why limited? How come bakers everywhere haven’t made it clear that this should be a staple pantry item? I used it instead of having to melt the chocolate in a separate step (like the recipe above) and I was a happy baker. See if you can find it. Good luck, tho, because I might have bought every last can.
- ***The foot guy: It’s totally possible he was just trying to be a friendly person, like maybe he was new to the English language or something and he was practicing elevator smalltalk. (I doubt it. I was wearing the most nondescript low black heels ever- my go-to Poco pumps), so even an ESL student would know better than to talk about them. It would be like complimenting a guy with a buzzcut on his hairdo.
- Want more banana bread/muffin & macaroon tips? Check out the original posts here and here.
- These muffins freeze well, if wrapped tightly.
- Enjoy!
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