Butterfinger Fudge Brownies
It’s true.
If you chop up 3 Butterfinger chocolate bars and toss them (lovingly) on top of your brownie batter, your kitchen and living room will smell like a Butterfinger factory as it bakes for 28 minutes. And the mysterious crumbly filling of said chocolate bars will kind of bake up and congeal into a Butterfinger coating over the World’s Greatest Fudge Brownie. So what you have here, my friends, is an elevation of an already-established great thing. A variation on a theme of Excellent. A dessert you should probably make before the end of the year, just to say you didn’t deprive yourself of this in 2013.
(By the way, Canadian bakers- Butterfinger is really a Crispy Crunch chocolate bar in the land of America. So yes, you can make these too. Often.)
(Holy shizit- I almost killed a friend of mine with these! I didn’t know Butterfingers were made with peanut butter, which is kind of an anaphylactic no-no for a friend with a peanut allergy. CAN YOU IMAGINE if she ate one and died because of me and my World’s Greatest Brownies? That would make for a horrible holiday buzz kill. As it turns out we had to reschedule so I put her little package in the freezer, thinking I’d give it to her the next time we met up. I’m so regifting that package. I’ll just change the name on it to someone who won’t die from my baking.)
Adapted from my World’s Greatest Fudge Brownie recipe…
4 ounces chopped unsweetened chocolate
(the better the chocolate, the better the brownie)
3/4 cup unsalted butter
2 cups sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons real vanilla (use the real stuff)
3 lightly beaten eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon instant espresso powder (optional)1 cup flour
3 Butterfinger chocolate bars, roughly chopped
- Preheat oven to 350° and grease a 9 x 13 foil-lined pan.
- Melt chocolate & butter in microwave for 2:15 minutes and stir.
- Stir in sugar, then vanilla, then eggs, then salt, espresso powder (optional) & flour.
- Stir in chopped Butterfinger pieces.
- Pour into prepared pan and bake for 28 – 30 minutes (until center is just set).
- Cool & cut into squares.
- Indulge.
Tips: - Check out the original post for more Brownie Blather and tips.
- Espresso powder is still an excellent addition to the batter. Don’t think it will make the brownies taste like coffee- a bit of it just helps enhance the chocolate flavor. Really, it won’t compete with the Butterfinger.
- Feel free to stir the Butterfinger pieces into the batter if you want more of a smooth brownie surface, instead of a shellacked chocolate bar look on top. Add scoops of peanut butter into the batter too, if you’re feeling daring (don’t stir in totally- just keep the blobs in tact).
- These freeze really well, so wrap tightly and enjoy later.
- Try not to give to people with peanut allergies unless you really don’t like them. (That’s a total joke.)
- Enjoy!
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