Fluffy Peanut Butter Pie
I have had this recipe burning a hole in my head for about two years. (Well, I guess it’s been freezing a hole, since this recipe doesn’t require any cooking whatsoever- just beating the ingredients and then popping the cute little, fluffy little pie in the freezer. Bonus.)
The truth is that I’ve made a lot of peanut butter and chocolate desserts over the years, so I had to wait for just the right time. And reader?
It’s Time.
This dessert is going to become a family favorite (of yours, too) because it’s amazing (taste, texture, you name it). It’s easy (embarrassingly so). It’s fast (other than the time it takes to freeze, it’ll take you about 15 minutes and then you can get back to watching True Detective). It’s a winner, through and through. Thanks for the inspiration, Jane!
Adapted from Jane Levy’s recipe…
5 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 1/4 cups chocolate wafer cookie crumbs (or graham cracker crumbs)
4 oz cream cheese (half of a standard block), room temperature
1 cup confectioners’ sugar
1/3 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
9 oz Cool Whip
7 oz milk chocolate, grated for garnish (like from a Hershey Bar)
- CRUST: In a medium bowl, melt butter and stir in chocolate cookie crumbs. Press evenly into bottom and up sides of 8” pie tin.
- FILLING: In a large bowl, cream together cream cheese, sugar, peanut butter, milk and vanilla. Beat in Cool Whip. Pour into crust and top with grated chocolate. Freeze until firm (about 3-4 hours).
Tips: - Use almond butter for a different flavor.
- Use graham crumbs for the crust if you don’t want too much chocolate going on. (??)
- Use a prepared crust if you’re in a hurry. Easy! (I totally did in the version made in the picture above. Whatever.)
- Use homo milk for a richer texture. (Skim totally works but is less fun in the mouth.)
- Enjoy!
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