Peppermint Brownie Sandwich Bars
I know, I know. This dessert looks like I missed the December holiday train, and I’ve gotta be honest, I kind of did.
I technically made the candy-cane-littered dessert in time for the whole Christmas rush thing, and I even parsed a few off to my 101 year-old Grandma who eats chocolate for breakfast (I come from good DNA- and I’m saying that about the whole chocolate-in-the-morning part, not about the longevity thing. Eating chocolate for a meal is way more impressive to me than living for more than a century, and I expect you to rank what you’re impressed with in the same way as moi.) So anyways, I’m the shit for making the desserts in time for Santa, etc., but did I tell you about it, so you could make it in time for your chocoholic grandparents or grandkids (or let’s be real- for your raging chocoholic self)? No. I “got busy” and “lost focus” and “failed to prioritize” and other things I listen to smart corporate people complain about in my day job. I oddly decided to take pictures and blog about Oatmeal Date Cookies in the merry month of December, which have not an ounce of festive spirit to save their cookie asses. (They’re amazing cookies, so I don’t mean to slam them, but they don’t exactly reek of Ho Ho Ho, you know know know?).
If you’ll accept this as a tardy holiday entry, I’d really appreciate it. You can skip the candy canes if you don’t want to look like you’re late for the party, too- people will just think you’re amazing for SANDWICHING PEPPERMINT CREAM IN-BETWEEN TWO LAYERS OF THE WORLD’S GREATEST FUDGE BROWNIE. Really, once you make this and eat this and bask in the glory of the compliments that will rain down upon you, you’ll forgive me for this better-late-than-never holiday gift. You don’t even have to send me a thank you card.
Adapted from my World’s Greatest Fudge Brownie * Food Network’s peppermint cream recipe…
4 ounces chopped unsweetened chocolate (the better the chocolate, the better the brownie)
3/4 cup unsalted butter
2 cups sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons real vanilla
3 lightly beaten eggs
1 cup flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
Optional: 1 tablespoon instant espresso powder
2 cups confectioners’ sugar
1/3 cup sweetened condensed milk
1 – 2 drops of peppermint oil (oil! not extract!)
3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate (chips or chunks off a block)
1 teaspoon shortening
3 candy canes, crushed for garnish
- Preheat oven to 350° and grease a foil-lined rimmed baking sheet (like what you’d bake cookies on, but with a little rim).
- Melt chocolate & butter in microwave for 2:15 minutes and stir.
- Stir in sugar, then vanilla, then eggs, then salt, espresso powder (optional) & flour.
- Pour into prepared pan and bake for 18 – 20 minutes (until center is just set).
- Cool, cut into half lengthwise & set aside.
- In a medium bowl, beat confectioners’ sugar, condensed milk and peppermint oil until well combined. Use your hands to from a smooth, soft dough. Add a bit more sweetened condensed milk if you’d like the peppermint layer to be a bit creamier.
- Evenly spread the peppermint goop/dough onto the surface of one brownie half, then place the other half on top (sandwiching the peppermint between both brownie layers).
- In a small bowl, microwave chocolate with shortening for 1 minute. Stir until smooth.
- Spread evenly over top brownie layer and sprinkle crushed candy on top before chocolate sets.
- Chill in fridge before slicing into bars.
Tips: - See what happened BEFORE the peppermint cream made its way into this delectable dessert, here.
- Peppermint oil? You’ll want to order it online, since peppermint extract/flavoring won’t do the trick to get that rich, cool feeling in the mouth…
- No desire to source the peppermint oil instead of extract? Well, you could substitute peppermint extract instead, but add a few drops more and don’t expect this to be 1/100th as good as it would be with oil. Pleeeease get the oil!
- These freeze like champs, if well wrapped.
- Don’t try to roll the peppermint out like I did, to use as candies covered with chocolate. Stick to my original recipe for Chocolate Peppermint Patties and you’ll be golden.
- Enjoy!
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