SCREWberry Pie.
If I didn’t intervene when I did, I’d still be scraping a burned pool of blueberry goo off the bottom of our 400º oven. Lucky for me I caught the blueberry avalanche before it set the smoke detector off. As it stands, it’s just the dessert itself that was ruined (and my morale, because it took…
to make this dessert to have it ruin itself in front of me).I checked the pie after 26, then 33, then 36 minutes (I know, it’s weird- I set the timer to increments of 3, 6 or 9 when I bake- that’ll be fodder for another post about My Various Baking Idiosyncrasies, but for now there’s enough screwy stuff to talk about with the whole blueberry disaster, let alone my superstitions/neuroses/compulsions), and the pie was doing just fine. It was still jiggly, but there was no indication that it was going to basically overflow like blue antioxidant-rich lava, and ruin the pretty pastry crust edge that I was so proud of.
What did I do wrong?
I totally overfilled the pie crust before even popping it into the oven.What did I do after the drowned “pie” cooled?
I chopped the pie slurry up into chunks and scooped them into glass dishes, then served with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream on top. As though I wanted to serve it as a ‘pie trifle’ from the onset. Ugh.Related Recipes & Posts:
sounds like a delicious save, at least :)