The Crappy Cake Break.
So there’s this new thing called non-stick spray.
Who knew?
(In actuality, I’m not that much of an idiot. I did use spray- although clearly not enough [in lieu of butter, because this glorious Old-Fashioned Chocolate Cake is vegan and I didn’t want to taint the pan with the horror of dairy in this instance], and yet I was impatient. I win the Impatient Baker of the Year Award, again. I knew the cake wasn’t budging, and yet I slammed the pan down on the rack anyway- twice- to get the cake out… in two pieces, that I admit squishing back together in a “this didn’t happen” sort of way.)
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This has kinda happened to me before. I forgot to put on the non-stick spray or I didn’t put enough because my cake ended up having almost the whole top stuck to the pan!
I hope you still ate the remnants of the cake… because I totally would have :)