The Molasses Syrup Volca-OH-NO.
Uh oh.
This is a picture of what you don’t want to have happen when sugar and molasses are cooking away quite pleasantly one minute, then angry as hell the next.
I turned my back to wash something at the sink, or maybe I bent over to talk to little Ralphie in a baby voice (our newer cat, have I introduced him yet?), or whatever. It doesn’t really mater what I was doing. The point is that the syrup in the Peanut Butter Nougat Chocolates became venomous, full of fiery fury, for reasons unknown. Its anger could not be contained in the sauce pot, so it bubbled up and over and all over the burner (take a close look at the picture- you can see the pooling of the sugary-molasses goo, which I painstakingly cleaned up before bed, but not before Andy [our older cat, whom you might remember here or here] walked across the stovetop in his own before-bed ritual to see if The Husband [The Father, to him] left behind any dinner scraps [no]… and inadvertently dipped his back paw in the sticky molasses lava).
For those of you who care, the lava/syrup was salvaged and made for an incredible candy that I really do encourage you to make. Might I suggest a larger pot, though?
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