Microwave Meltdown.
Why do I keep burning things in our microwave? It’s been four months now and you’d think I’d have gotten the hang of the fact that the big ‘ol box of radiation in our new place has some mad power going on inside of it.
Remember the peanut butter casualty? (It smelled like burned PB in the microwave for weeks. Plural.)
Lesson learned: even the defrost button isn’t safe to use, let alone the regular “cook the shit out of whatever you’ve put inside of me” button. (Okay: honesty. I am blaming the microwave for this and I need to take at least 1/3 of the responsibility here. I kept setting the defrost for one minute increments or so to thaw the chocolate I had in the Ziploc. It wasn’t melting fast enough. So I set it for longer and left the scene. How was I to know the plastic would burn a hole through itself and the Ghiradelli would spill out onto the microwave plate where it would almost char itself forever? Fine. Now I know. Defrost with caution, friends.)
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