March 10th, 2012
I love wine, and since I also have a sweet tooth, icewine is my friend.
What’s a girl to do with an intense dessert wine that tastes like honey, apricot, tangerine and pineapple? Drink it, naturally. (And why not bake with it, too?)
This Icewine Sabayon recipe has been burning a hole in the black binder where I keep the hundreds of pages of recipes I fantasize about baking one day. So after having ice wine on a recent trip to Toronto (Inniskillin, no less- do it right!), I was officially inspired to blow the dust off this easy-to-make, mousse-like recipe.
(Sabayon, by the way, is like zabaglione- if that means anything to you. Basically this is a custardy/moussey dessert, and is perfect with fresh fruit at the end of a meal. Serve it with the Icewine, of course… and enjoy liberally.)
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