
  • Cream Cheese Pie Crust

    January 2nd, 2012

    This is the absolute perfect recipe for pie bakers who aren’t used to (or interested in) fiddling with traditional pie dough. (Novices- you’ll feel like a pro. Experts- you’ll want to find ways to use this for every pie.)
    Let’s be honest- you never know if you’ve added enough water to the flour and butter mixture in the traditional recipe, and rolling the dough can test the patience of the best of us. Yes, a traditional crust is a bit flakier (and I do respect the importance of a flaky crust), but when a newcomer crust in town tastes pretty pie-alicious, is unbelievably easy to make, AND rolls out into a foolproof crust… well this fool has found her go-to dough.

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